About The City funded place-making initiative – better. bellville. together.
The City funded place-making initiative, better. bellville. together. was recently launched, under the administration of the Greater Tygerberg Partnership (GTP). The goal of the better. bellville. together. campaign is to bring local businesses and residents together to revitalise the region.
The better. bellville. together. City-funded place-making initiative is an economic development initiative that utilises community assets, infrastructure and services to inspire potential that creates safe and clean public spaces – with the intention to promote the area’s well-being and investment opportunities.
The City-funded place-making initiative better. bellville. together. will include several focused, well researched, planned and executed civic improvement place-making initiatives to better the Bellville CBD, together with strategic partnerships and collaboration between the City, GTP and private entities – all geared toward economic growth.
The City-funded place-making initiative better. bellville. together. will include several focused, well researched, planned and executed civic improvement place-making initiatives to better the Bellville CBD, together with strategic partnerships and collaboration between the City, GTP and private entities – all geared toward economic growth.
Better. bellville. together. speaks to the value of the City’s partnership with the GTP which has a region-based focus and whose programmes are aimed at stimulating investment appeal while managing the aspirations of existing local businesses. ~ Alderman James Vos
Why is the better. bellville. together. initiative important?
This initiative has a strong focus on place-making which means it will utilise community assets, infrastructure and services to create safe and clean public spaces towards the larger goal of economic prosperity. Cape Town is seeing an influx of developments and in Bellville approved building works reached a value of R7,3 billion between 2010 and 2021. The aim is to expand on such gains.
The purpose of the better. bellville. together. campaign is to improve and sustain the area’s beautification, cleaner production, eradicate illegal dumping and littering, signage, promoting recycling and educating the public on the best waste management practices. ~ Warren Hewitt, CEO at the GTP
How can you or your business get involved?
We are looking for partners to join this campaign to make Bellville a better place to live and work. If you or your organisation would like to support this initiative to clean-up Bellville – through extending donations or temporary use of equipment and resources please contact or call the GTP on +27 (0) 21 823 6713:
- Allow some time for your employees to arrange a clean-up or sponsor a community clean-up to show your business cares. Be sure to share your efforts on social media with the hashtag #betterbellvilletogether.
- Show your support by cleaning your business visage, shop front and by keeping your entrance clean.
- Connect with the better.bellville.together team at GTP to learn more about how you can become a partner and how to support the clean-up Bellville project.
- Report illegal dumping tip-offs to our 24-hour toll-free number on 0800 110077.
A cleaner Bellville benefits all that work, live and play in Bellville – #betterbellvilletogether.
The activated better. bellville. together. Initiatives in Bellville’s CBD include the following:
The better. bellville. together. public spaces and beautification initiative has six focus areas for the phase 1 activations; each one has its own priorities.
These initiatives will support giving Bellville a noticeable ‘renewed’ appearance and support boosting a positive perception:
Public Spaces:
- Ensuring Urban Furniture,
- Signage and Lighting Repairs,
- Cleaning and enhancing the focus areas.
The beautification of Bellville will be done through the following applications:
- Public Art,
- Painting (building facades and urban furniture),
- Planting.
The better. bellville together. waste initiative is a key element of cleaning-up the Bellville CBD.
The main aim of this initiative is to support and enhance the current waste systems in order to reduce pressure on landfills, and to ensure that valuable resources are not lost to the economy, creating a cleaner Bellville with sustainable systems at its core.
The work will be divided into two main categories:
- Infrastructure & Service Support
- Waste Education & Awareness
The following initiatives will be implemented under each category:
Infrastructure & Service Support:
- Public Transport Interchange (PTI) Resource Diversion
- Business organic waste collection system
Waste Education & Awareness:
- Business Waste Plan compliance support
- Waste Awareness Activations and Installations
- Community Clean ups
Our various recycling initiatives help maintain a cleaner Bellville centre while diverting waste from landfills and providing a source of income for destitute people that could, over time, break the cycle of poverty. We challenge all businesses and the community of Bellville to get involved. ~ Warren Hewitt – CEO at GTP
The better. bellville. together. infrastructure initiative will focus on C3 reports, addressing the reported problems in the Bellville CBD, offering noticeable relief to the business and residential community in Bellville.
The infrastructure initiative includes the following key elements:
- A ready to ‘fix’ infrastructure team, with an experienced team leader.
- Using existing resources and gaining access the City’s stores where possible.
- The ‘Fix Bellville’ team will focus on pain points reported.
- The work will be paving, fixing potholes and other infrastructure related items that can be measurable repairs in a brief time.
Create awareness and education about the better. bellville. together. initiative to all stakeholders.
An all-inclusive communications and multimedia campaign, with maximum reach and awareness about the City funded place-making initiatives.
- Showcase and highlight the work completed on all better. bellville. together. City-funded place-making initiatives geared towards economic growth.
- Reach, invite and engage local Bellville businesses, traders and the people that work, live and play in Bellville to partner with the City and GTP on the better. bellville. together initiative to create and maintain a (better) cleaner Bellville.
For more information follow and get regular updates on the better. bellville. together. initiatives on the social media platforms of CoCT and the GTP, updates to include livestreams of cleaning-up Bellville and visuals on the progress of the better. bellville. together. initiative.
We are looking for partners, let’s come together!
If you or your organisation would like to support this initiative to clean-up Bellville – through extending donations or temporary use of equipment and resources – please contact or call the GTP on +27 (0) 21 823 6713.
A cleaner Bellville benefits all that work, live and play in Bellville!